Orthodontists for Teens in Shawnee, Moore and Oklahoma City
A Visit to an Orthodontists for Teens Gave Me Something to Smile About
2014: Okay, from one teen to another, I so do not want braces. What I do want is perfect teeth, and I don’t have to wear braces to get them. So, to be fair, maybe they do make your teeth straight but…whatever. I am gonna have to wear these like forever, and everyone says they hurt. And I know I will look uggs. Braces are not a friend. They are like torture devices. It is just some mean trick adults play on you to make sure no one wants to date you until you are old.
2017: That was me two-and-a-half years ago, and this is me now. I love how I look now and everyone…I mean everyone…wants my smile. So, before you freak over braces, come to Sky Ortho and have a talk with Dr. Priscilla or Dr. Ryan and check out the 10 most important things I found out when I had braces.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind When You Visit Orthodontists for Teens
- Cool options. When you first get them, all your friends freak out and make you show them to them a million times like you’re a freak show or something. They’re just braces, okay. I went for invisible so nothing much to see here. The clear braces are ceramic. There are also Invisalign Teen, traditional metal braces that are color change for whatever you like, and WildSmiles Braces that show real personality. Who knew braces could be so much fun?
- Flexible appointments. You’re at the orthodontist All. The. Time. OK, they are kinda like a new bestie because it seems like you spend a lotta time there but Dr. Priscilla and Dr. Ryan let me book months in advance so I can make all my plans with friends and school around it, so it is cool.
- Good tips and support. Yep, I have to cut up my apples instead of biting into them. No big deal. I kinda like it that way. The Sky Ortho staff gives me other great ideas to make it easier to live with braces like how to make it hurt less when they get tightened.
- Faster straightening time. Dr. Priscilla and Dr. Ryan have new technologies that make the time I have to wear braces faster than ever and this means less time out of my important teenage years feeling like I don’t fit in. I like that part.
- Lots of payment options. The best news for Mom and Dad is they have an affordable payment plan so they can get busy with braces for my younger brother and sister.
Get Ready to Flash Your Smile!
The Sky Ortho team loves to have fun with all of its teen patients, and they go out of their way to easy for us to feel at home in the office.
Moms and Dads, you can get started by scheduling an initial consultation for your teen now. Dr. Priscilla, Dr. Ryan, and their staff will walk you through the treatment options and work out a treatment plan that is customized to your teen’s individual needs. Happy smiling!